Children who come from a split up home as the result of divorce often have underlined self-esteem issues. Quite often, these children turn to something else, for comfort and peace. All too often, however this place is the video game world. This is not to say that all children will revert to this and not all video games are bad. It is a bad thing when your child cannot distinguish between the video game world and the real world.
If you have recently been, through the process of divorce and if you have children you must help them. Please talk to your children about the situation. Do not take for granted that the child will understand what is happening or that he or she will simply have to accept the divorce. The child no matter what age younger or older must understand that the divorce is not his or her fault and sometimes two parents are, better off apart.
This is difficult for any child at any age when they are so used to both parents being in the same household. However now dad is in one place and mom is in another. If it is at all humanly possible, the adults should think of only the child's feelings when the two parents meet of any reason. Arguing and disagreement only adds to the already disturbed child. Any disagreements of the parents in the presents of the child may if fact, send them further into the video game world.
After the separation and divorce or even during the process if you notice your child beginning to talk more and more about only the video games or the characters in the games. Alternatively, if your child is only interested in the video games and nothing else this is a real sign of trouble and the child is having difficulties. In this video game world, there are many escapes from what is going on in the real world.
In the video game world, there is violence so the child can lash out at the feelings that they are having or experiencing. The game world also has adventure and some form of security for the child as the game is constantly there where the parents cannot be. Your child may slip into this video game and it could be difficult for him or her to rejoin the real world.
Therefore, even though it is difficult for you to deal with all of these things while in the process of a divorce you must still help your children and you must allow them to talk to you about the situation. You do not want your child to slip into this make believe world with no way out.
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